Wednesday, 12 May 2010


We've had one or two amazing storms over the last week or so which have been keeping my garden wet but also watering the plants I have managed to get in the ground. Last night we had fantastic lightening although apart from me everyone in the house was asleep, it must've rained overnight too as my poor wellies were wet when I put them on to get the horses out.

So after my breakfast and customary coffee kick start to the day I headed off (in my wet wellies) to do some more digging in the garden, 2 SQM's later and the heavens have opened again forcing me and the dogs back inside, whilst the wind blowing is at least keeping the dreaded mosquito's at bay for a while. At least I didn't arrange for the lucerne currently growing in my sister in law's garden to be cut today - we need at least 3 clear, dry, hot days to get it dried, turned and stored for winter.

The thunder is rolling in now and doesn't sound far away. I've left the horses and donkey out as they don't seem to mind and are too busy eating! I'm hoping the village blacksmith will come over the next couple of days as the horses really could do with a hoof trim, once that's done I'll be getting Milka back on the cart and enjoying a few jaunts around the village. Both of the horses are looking fabulous now but the poor donkey is still a bit raggy and hasn't lost all of her winter coat yet.

Here's a pic of something I found on my knee yesterday while out in the garden - excuse the hairy legs lol


  1. Hi Suzy,

    Given the cost of wheat I'm developing a keen interest in forage crops. Please could you explain lucerne to me. They sell it by the boxful around here...

  2. Lucerne is what we feed during winter here instead of hay as it apparently has a higher protein content.

    It's more commonly known as alfalfa in the UK and is part of the pea family.

    Take a look at the wikipedia page for more info

    Our horses, donkey and pigs all love it and manage to maintain their weight through the harsh winters here quite well.

  3. Thanks for that Suzy. I've got a large area which the pigs have just cleared that I want to sow before the wilderness returns.

    Sounds like lucerne would be just the job.

  4. No problem - please let me know how you get on. We're also hoping to sow around 3-4000sqm's of land to lucerne later in the year.
