Thursday 15 April 2010


Setting smaller goals is helping my motivation so far. Once the routine jobs of the day were done I set to on the garden and planted the peas I've been waffling about for weeks, then diverted the spring that appeared in the garden to water in my newly set seeds. If it's going to be there it might as well be useful!

I've had big urges over the last few days to get back in the saddle and start riding again.......hopefully I can fence off a paddock so I don't have to worry about the horse running off if something happens and get on Maya again to continue her education to be a riding horse. She's not very good in the cart but seems to be willing under saddle and just needs time and patience, plus some real commitment from me.

The horses and donkey were all wormed and covered in bug stuff over the last few days as it's tick season here again - the downside to having so many sheep and goats pass the house is that we do find ticks on some of the animals including the cats and dogs, so they're wearing their new killtix collars that worked well last year. We tried Frontline and although it did work to an extent we found it only kept them clear of ticks for around 3 weeks so worked out very expensive. Tonight the dogs and cats will be getting their wormer tablets and next week is the turn of the pigs and poultry. I must remember to write everything down on the calendar though!

Time to go find something for tea - a nice, hot chilli would go down well tonight if I'd remembered to pick up some chillies while out shopping yesterday! Oh well, back to the drawing board and raking through the freezer lol

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