Sunday 21 March 2010

Busy Bees

We've been quite busy the last few days and outside working while enjoying the mild and sunny weather. The garden is looking a lot better as we've cleared away the rubbish, pruned some of the trees and generally just made a start on things.

It's been so warm that hubby has managed to wear shorts and we both caught the sun, him turning a lovely golden brown while I'm pink! I've sown some herb seeds outside and planted more lettuce, done some weeding where I'd like to have a flower garden and pruned back some of the plants that have made it through the winter. So progress is being made at last.

Today I'm having a day of pottering about and hoping to get radishes planted and possibly part of the garden turned over to plant peas and broad beans in. There are still some wet patches in the garden so we can't yet rotovate it but soon there'll be all manner of things growing and my internet time will be shorter as I spend more time outside.

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