The animals are stuck in today due to the weather, we've a good covering of snow and more expected. The temperatures have dropped (below zero at night) and I'm feeling pretty low today and having trouble staying warm despite the huge woolly jumper I'm wearing, the woodburner doing it's job and my "Baba" socks as the kids call them! I must say that I love the "Baba" socks (hand knitted of course) and they were one of my best buys here lol
I'd hoped to be able to catch up on the mountain of washing here, get out in the garden for a while as I have some snowdrops to plant, muck out the pigs and so much other stuff this week but with weather like this I'm much more inclined to stay inside. Admittedly other jobs that I'd planned to do over the winter months haven't been done either - our staircase needs another coat of paint, there are boxes that need sorting through, some tiling to finish, a ceiling to paint and other niggly jobs but to be honest I'm not worried about them - they will get done at some point, although I'm not sure when!
As I'm typing this hubby has been forced out of the door by one of our Bulgarian friends to go to his house and collect something! Not sure what it is yet but apparently he can't take the car or the wheelbarrow.........guess I'll have to wait and find out more when he comes back, I'm hoping it's a bale of lucerne for the horses as we're almost out and not another 19 day old chicks! Oh and the sun is making a brief appearance to remind us it's still there Yay.
Ooo, I'd love to help you out with the painting, I'm quite the painter and my service guarantees a long durability. However, I'm running low on money at the moment, life a university student, you may know how it is... hope you get your to-do list sorted ASAP!
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Lord I hate to do list - Smile probably because they never get done.