Saturday 22 January 2011

When You Can't See The Woods.....

For the trees, then I guess you need a good chainsaw! And the same goes for life, it has a habit of getting muddled and things inevitably get in the way. Lately I've been clearing some of these things and already my life feels simpler, more secure and much more positive.

It's a mini shake up, a chance to get back on track and a start to cutting down on clutter (emotional and material) that should help me focus on the more important things. This year is certainly shaping up to be interesting and I won't give too much away yet, you'll just have to keep reading!

Over the last week or so (or since I last updated here) the weather hasn't been too good. We had 2 lovely sunny days but most of the time it's been damp and foggy, no surprise really since it is winter. I'm looking forward to spring though and a chance to get outside for most of the day. The days are getting longer here already which is great and soon the spring bulbs will be showing themselves. Soon the trees will be green and our little world will be much more colourful. Then I'll be out with the camera again and brightening this blog up too :)